Always remember it is never too late or too early to start surfing, snowboarding, snow surfing or skateboarding. And there is nothing to be shamed of being beginner. When you start, just take few lessons from instructors, to make it more easier for you.
Lumi Active - Intermediate
Even as a intermediate level shredder, you can learn from the others and from the nature. Respect the locals and other people, Being part of the shredder community is something really unique and beautiful.
Lumi Active - Advanced
As a advanced level shredder you can go anywhere and have fun with other people in the tribe.
Lumi Active - Yoga for Shredders
Yoga is perfect for shredders. It is really good for keeping your mind calm, how to breath and control your breath. Also strech your muscles is really important for you and everyone. Yoga gives lot of muscle strength and balance too, so if you haven´t try yet you should start it right away.